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Proceducers for Enrollment


Utmost attention is given to recruitment of the our personal in accordance with stringent parameters laid down as a GSS policy. This includes education, age, physical and previous background. All employees are subjected to vigorous vetting by our internal Security Department which is responsible for verification and background checks and service records of each employee.


The main approach to training involves classroom lectures, role-play exercise and assignment specific training. Before deployment, it is mandatory for all GSS employees to undertake Basic Security Course, which imparts the necessary skills to perform their duties.

In addition to lesson on basic guarding skills, they are taught the rudiments of First Aid, Fire Fighting and self- defense. Advance training programs are also conduct to cover specialized areas and customer specific requirements.


GSS firmly believe that in order to pre-empt an incident it is extremely important that proper reports are generated right at the grass roots level on a daily basis which are submitted to the operations team and the clients on a regular basis. The reports are compiled on a weekly and monthly basis on standard GSS reporting formats, which are used to apprise the management and clients for providing effective security at the same time to monitor the performance of our guards.